Thursday, September 25, 2008


Long time, no blog...

The old lady and I were sittin' at home watching the old youtube the other night. We got all nostalgic watching this. We thought we would write to albeo to remind him what he missed, but then realized he had seen this on the third night of a dry Glastonbury. Sigh... Pondering the whole matter, we were comforted that we had both seen this while knee deep in mud. Good memories, but things got slightly odd at that point and we let our minds wander. We realized that the old lady's mother!!! had been at this and it was strangely similar to what we saw...38 years later.

1 comment:

albeo said...

Okso. Since I am out of the country, you two are in charge of monitoring Glasto deadlines, and making sure we all buy tickets and get there with our wellies. No excuses this year...
